Volunteers Buy Futuristic Latvian Drones For Ukrainian Army
The Kyiv-based Come Back Alive foundation announced on Friday that it has signed a contract with Latvian unmanned aircraft system UAS designer and manufacturer Atlas for 300 futuristic drones
Northrop Grumman Completes Design Review Of New Laser Weapon System
In March 2021, the U.S. Department of Defense awarded Northrop Grumman a $72 million contract under the High Energy Laser Scaling Initiative. (HELSI) to demonstrate a high-energy laser prototype using Northrop Grumman’s coherent beam combining technology.

Portland Air National Guard Unit Is First To Test Out Robot Dog For Base Security
142nd Security Forces Squadron receives a new "robot dog" and plans to test the technology for surveillance and base security operations.

Collaborative Autonomy, Advancing In Next Generation Military Drone Systems
Drones have revolutionized warfare, The field of (UCAVs) is rapidly diversifying as light, mid-sized, and heavy.

Department Of Defense Kicks Off 17th Annual Engineers Week
For the 17th year now, the Defense Department is recognizing the important role engineers play in advancing the mission of defending the nation.

U.S. Army Selected Vortex To Provide Its Next Generation Squad Weapon - Fire Control Optic (XM157)
U.S. Army Selected Vortex to provide its Next Generation Squad Weapon - Fire Control Optic (XM157)