Official Says Nuclear Posture Review Gives Options
The U.S. is extremely concerned to see the construction of two fast-breeder reactors in China that could create a lot of plutonium for use in nuclear weapons.

Czech Mi-24 Assault Helicopters Enter The Fight In Ukraine
The Ukrainian military confirmed that the Armed Forces of Ukraine have received its first attack helicopters from the Czech Republic.

Volunteers Buy Futuristic Latvian Drones For Ukrainian Army
The Kyiv-based Come Back Alive foundation announced on Friday that it has signed a contract with Latvian unmanned aircraft system UAS designer and manufacturer Atlas for 300 futuristic drones
US Army Gets One Step Closer To Medium-Range Hypersonic Missiles
The primary goal of OpFires is the development and demonstration of a ground-launched two-stage propulsive system capable of employing hypersonic (greater than five times the speed of sound)

Mental Health: Ex-soldier Builds Castle To Help People
Former Solider with post-traumatic stress disorder, Mike Allen, helps veterans struggling with PTSD and other mental health disorders by building a castle on a hillside to have a safe place to abide, while also using this experience to overcome their hardships.