Volunteers Buy Futuristic Latvian Drones For Ukrainian Army

The Kyiv-based Come Back Alive foundation announced on Friday that it has signed a contract with Latvian unmanned aircraft system UAS designer and manufacturer Atlas for 300 futuristic drones


(Photo Credit : Image by Atlas) - Come Back Alive continues to enrich the Ukrainian army with drones.


(Photo Credit : Ivan Tolchinsky )

[ The first AtlasPRO drones are already in service with the Special ] Operations Forces of Ukraine

As noted by the company, one of the AtlasPro during the operation was hit by a Russian sniper bullet. But the drone still survived and back home safely.

The company says AltasPRO is a lightweight tri-copter unmanned system. Its compact design makes it man-packable and is intended for use in nearly all weather conditions.

Its communications are hardened, and encrypted, and allow for nearly 10-mile BVLOS missions. With 32 minutes of battery endurance and a three-minute setup, the AtlasPRO is an airframe suitable for most missions.

This time we purchased 100 Atlas [AtlasPro] complexes from the Latvian company of the same name. A hundred complexes consist of 300 drones, as well as tablets and transponder for them,” the foundation said in the press release.


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